Profits Are Better Than Wages" -- Jim Rohn
To the uninitiated, there doesn't seem to be a difference between profits and wages. After all, don't they both come in more or less the same form, Cold Hard Cash?
Perhaps this little reflection of mine can help you make some distinctions between these two concepts. I wrote this in response to Jim Rohn's quote:
Wages make me a Living;
Profits make me a Fortune.
It is sad when I speak with some executives. You know, those regular-hour types that seem to earn ever-increasing amounts as bonuses for doing the same thing day-in, day-out. They tend hardly not to seek out opportunities around them, and are content to drift along. Evidently they are either too young to be promoted, or too old to learn something new. Well, I completely empathise, because I was one of them! Believe it or not, working for a Living was something I used to do.
Being in an environment that is at best unsupportive, and at worst, outright hostile, doesn't help the aspiring executive either. It seems that there is just too much cynicism in the workplace. Invariably this results in people being too focussed on keeping their jobs rather than simply doing them, regardless of their pronoucements that they are indeed doing the latter!
So why am I seemingly fixated with Fortune? So that I can give it away! Seriously, can you give away your Living to someone else? Being thirty-something is not too early to consider leaving beind a legacy; Life is just too short not to think of such things! I have seen, heard and experienced enough to know that drifting along is no longer an option. In fact, it never was an option in the first place!
Thus I commit to Working Hard on My Job, But Working (Much) Harder on Myself.