Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Choose Freedom

Have you ever felt unappreciated for the things you do, or worse, for being who you are? I have, and trust me, it's not the greatest of emotions! I mean, after working hard for something that I truly believe in for almost all my life, only to realise that the things I hold dear mean next to nothing to the organisations that we shall collectively call SpongeDry Inc. Sure you may say 'The company is not supposed to consider employees needs and wants, let alone feelings', which begs the question, just what on earth is a company for anyway? To satisfy the owner's ego, or siphon off shareholders' equity, or to create havens for money that is ill-gotten? Doesn't anyone create companies for something other than for their own shallow selves anymore? Or are we so blinded by the profit of the here-and-now that we forget that organisations have the potential to outlive their owners and their descendants?

Some time ago, I have had the last straw in my experience of being in full-time employment. Somehow, being in the position of employee entitles the employer to shuffle staff like a deck of cards, with little or no regard for prior results, preliminary consultation, nor the space to address potential disagreement or resentment from the person most affected by such a move.

So out of the realisation that I would never be able to reconcile my values with those of SpongeDry Inc, I wrote these as a postscript to my resignation letter:
  • People Above Profits
  • Family Above Career
  • Truth Over Rules
  • God Above All
Maybe my mind has indeed gone to cuckoo-land, but if organisations don't realise that there are limits to what they can do to their employees, then pardon me, but they must be Crazy...

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