Friday, 25 December 2009
Blessed Morning
Saturday, 19 December 2009
On Risk
Sunday, 13 December 2009
On Pursuit
Monday, 7 December 2009
On Conscience
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Taking Stock
- What do you like most/least about the blog's contents?
- What do you like most/least about the blog's style?
- What do you like most/least about the blog's tone?
- What would you like to add most to the blog?
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Keys to Success
Saturday, 14 November 2009
The Mystery of Choice
Friday, 6 November 2009
On Gratitude
Friday, 30 October 2009
On Mission
Visualisation of the dream is the first step towards creating reality
But it is Mission that provides purpose to Sight,
That directs and drives Action.
While the forces of Doubt do their best to thwart Action,
It is Mission that sustains faith, and Vision that preserves hope,
Blessed indeed are those who do not see, and yet believe.
For Vision, Mission and Action are but one,
In union with faith, hope and love, striving towards Destiny
And eternal Harmony with the Infinite.
Friday, 23 October 2009
On Suffering
Oh! that Man can be so deluded, to
Believe that Suffering o'er him reigns;
Permanent though Suffering may seem, yet
Immortal she is not.
For Pain is only as strong as its victim
Who may well tremble under her rod; yet
Ownest her Man must, for
Such is his birthright.
Ally with Pain, once Man's enemy,
Transform fear into faith
Allow Suffering to run her course,
The fullness of Man's Destiny awaits.
Thursday, 15 October 2009
First Love
Not in the glimpse cast by one's object of fancy
Nor in the presence of one's ephemeral desire
Nor in the ardour of another's eyes
But in the union of eternal souls
Not in the entwining of one's body with another
Nor in the afterglow that soon expires
But in the moment of one's creation
For without the Infinite all things are meaningless
With the Divine nothingness become purposeful
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
"Unnoticed by the crowd;
Passed on by the world;
Discounted by the brethren."
Impaled by self-doubt.
Are these shackles not self-imposed?
Are these wounds not self-inflicted?
Are these not the chains of self-delusion?
Awaken, and watch the virtual binds loosen completely.
The time has come for self-exile to end;
As the permafrost melts, so must the hibernation cease;
As the earth renews itself, so does one's nature;
Claim the inheritance that is your destiny.
Monday, 28 September 2009
LORD, with you I can
Arrive without preconception
Enter without qualification
Partake without charge
Hope without proof
Witness without evidence
Share myself without judgement
Provide solace without comfort
Illuminate without being engulfed
Be right without being righteous
Be humbled without humiliation
Be content without avarice
Be hurt without suffering
Revisit without rancour
Toil without weariness
Persist without approval
Proceed without wavering
Persevere without vindication
Love without reward
Leave without being abandoned
May I always remain in Your Love
without losing faith in You
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Ultimate Thoughts
The ultimate wealth is Freedom
The ultimate knowledge is Truth
The ultimate measure is Results
The ultimate pain is Regret
The ultimate folly is Greed
The ultimate failure is Inaction
The ultimate gift is Forgiveness
The ultimate peace is Being Oneself
The ultimate wisdom is Knowing the Divine
The ultimate joy is Remaining Connected to the Divine
The ultimate price is Personal Responsibility
The ultimate journey is Life
The full meaning of suffering cannot be adequately comprehended without taking into account the ultimate sacrifice of laying down one's life for the sake of people who scarcely deserve it.
Sunday, 13 September 2009
'I am your friend now, rock...'
I find it rather meaningful, so I'm sharing it with you here, enjoy.
'I am your friend now, rock...'
by Chew Chia Shao Wei, Raffles Girls' School
THERE was something vaguely sad about the rock. It was as old as it looked, standing weathered and lonely amidst the stretch of sand, and its thoughts were quiet as it listened to the waves.
The wide unconquerable sea touched the edges of the land like a curious animal in the way it rolled forward eagerly onto the shore. It left the land unwillingly, pulling as it went, grasping for what it could. The sand in the shallow water swirled.
The sea was no stranger to the rock on the beach. The sea came often to the rock, rushing up wetly against its warm grey, and always as it swept away it took an infinitesimal part of the rock with it. The rock had known the waves for a long time, and learned it was in its nature to erode.
One day, the sunlight on the rock was interrupted by a brief darkness in the blurred shape of a bird. The rock, interested, observed the bird winging its way uncertainly about the sky, then landing, presently, on the very rock that wondered about it.
'Where am I?' said the bird, largely to itself, as it gripped the surface of the dark grey rock with its feet and peered out at the sea.
'What are you?' countered the rock.
'I am a bird,' said the bird in surprise.
'You are a rather rude sort of bird,' the rock pointed out calmly. 'I was enjoying the sun when you came and blocked some of it from me.'
Birds exist for a very short while in comparison to rocks, and have less time to develop the exceptional serenity that rocks possess. The bird hopped from one foot to another, flapping its white wings in annoyance.
'You are a big, stupid rock!' the bird cried, its beak clicking irately. 'Funny you should feel so important, when one of these days you will have been reduced by the sea to a tiny grain of sand!'
'Yes,' agreed the rock, surprising the bird yet again, 'I shall feel rather sad when that day comes.'
'Wait, no - you are confusing me - we are in the middle of an argument!'
'I made a comment, and you responded rather explosively, after which I shared with you a private thought in concurrence with something you had said. That was not an argument at all.'
The bird paused mid-hop, disgruntled. 'Well, you are a very well-spoken rock,' it conceded, 'and not at all stupid; I'm sorry.'
The rock hummed peaceably in response and returned to its own thoughts. The bird, feeling wholly ignored, allowed itself to settle down on its newfound perch, and examined mentally the conversation that had just taken place.
Some time passed before the bird spoke again, hesitantly, as if now remembering its manners and unwilling to intrude upon the rock again.
'Rock, will you truly end up one day as nothing more than a grain of sand?'
'I expect so,' the rock rumbled. 'The sea works at me constantly, you know.'
'Is that awfully sad?' asked the passionate bird, who, while given to tempers, was intrinsically kind-hearted.
'Only to those who care,' the rock admitted, 'only to me.'
The bird was deeply moved by this, by the loneliness of the rock and the seeming inevitability of its fate. The bird considered the situation, and felt it must do something to aid the rock. Although their acquaintance had gotten off to a bad start, the bird found it rather liked the warm, rough rock, and was unwilling to leave it alone to the hunger of the sea.
'I care,' volunteered the bird, 'I will do something to help you, rock, if you will let me.'
'No,' said the rock, laughing in a way that did not mock the bird. 'Don't waste your time.'
But the bird had found a cause.
'I am your friend now, rock,' it said, and the rock was touched.
'You are just a bird,' the rock said, 'and you will be able to do nothing.'
The bird did not disagree. 'I will try.'
Over the next few days, the bird tried a variety of ways to get the rock out of harm's way. It started with simple pushing, which had proved futile, and progressed to increasingly creative ideas. On the eighth day, the bird had looped several lengths of seaweed around its friend, in the hopes of being able to pull it further up the shore.
The rock had never observed with much significance the passing of the days, and entire years blurred in its long memory, but this had been a week that would stand out forever. The frustration, the laughter, and the gratitude that the rock had experienced along with the bird would be preserved as colour images amidst a wash of sepia recollections.
The time had come, however, to begin to dissuade the bird of its altruistic notions, lest it exhaust itself with the efforts of the fruitless undertaking.
Bird was picking the rope of seaweed up in its mouth for the seventh time that day when the rock addressed it.
'I do thank you for your efforts,' it began, 'but I am beginning to feel that this was a hopeless enterprise. I know you have expended much energy over it, and it has not gone unappreciated, but perhaps we must stop here.'
The bird dropped the end of the seaweed and made to protest, but the rock would not allow it.
'You have been a faithful friend, but it seems that here I am and here I will remain. The sea works slowly, and I have much time left yet. One day, I will be sand on the beach, but the idea does not bother me so much now.'
The rock did not add that through getting to know the bird, it had realised exactly how much more ephemeral was the life of the bird, and begun to feel selfish for being unsatisfied with the idea of eventually ending up a small grain of sand.
'Let us abandon this pursuit, and instead look to happier things,' the rock ended, hoping to mollify the bird. In truth, it was unsure that the bird, now robbed of his cause, would stick around for much longer, and the thought made it feel a shiver of unhappiness.
The bird, wordlessly, began the task of unwrapping the seaweed it had covered the rock in. There was resignation in its wingtips. When it had finished, it glanced at the rock with which it had spent eight sun-drenched days, then flapped slowly into the distant sky.
The rock watched it go.
The beach was blanketed by night when the rock once again felt the feet of the bird sharp against its surface.
'I am sticking around,' the bird told the rock, 'so you won't forget me, even when you are just a grain of sand.'
The rock said nothing, but it was happy.
The years moved on, then, like they always had. The rock stayed in the same place even as the world changed around the little beach, and the bird, going off frequently on expeditions to see the world, returned always to the rock it had met so long ago.
'Tell me a story,' the rock asked the bird once, as it landed lightly.
'But you are so old and wise, no story would interest you,' teased the bird. It was older now, and it knew ever so much more about the world.
The rock chuckled, and the bird complied. 'I will tell you about the strange things I saw the last time I flew past these cliffs...'
Sometimes, it was the bird that asked for the story.
'The earth was young once,' the rock would begin, in a vivid story of the colours of the wind.
And always, imperceptibly, the years moved on - like they always had.
One morning, a long, long time from the day the bird and the rock had first met, the rock was abruptly aware of a different quality to the day. There was something in the air, maybe, or something about the sea, or the sand - the rock was uncertain, but something was different and wrong. The colours felt wrong, for instance, the sky felt green and the sand was turning white, and the sea when it touched the rock felt hot and cold and hot again.
That was a strange thing for the rock to do, for it never spoke aloud when it was alone. But it called out anyway, tentatively, 'Bird... Bird...'
The word was snatched away by the wind, but it seemed to echo in the dark beach. The rock was very still, and began to feel something it had never before felt: fear. It spread slowly and coldly like the pink sun rising softly over the horizon, and the rock found that it knew that its friend the bird had died.
'How and why,' the rock murmured numbly to itself, to the sand, to the sea. 'How and why and how and why and why. Goodbye, goodbye, oh, goodbye.' So saying, it slipped gently asleep.
The bird never returned, just as the rock never again expected it to. The rock became silent once more, unused to conversation as it had once been. Its thoughts were numerous but never aired now, and frequently, it thought of its dearest friend, the bird.
As for the years, they moved on like they always had, and the world changed around the rock, just like the world was wont to.
Centuries passed, and there was something vaguely sad about the rock that was as old as it looked, standing weathered and lonely amidst the stretch of sand. And as it listened to the waves, it thought of the sun on its surface, and the bird-shaped shadow that fell just so across the warmth, warmer than the sun itself.
Friday, 11 September 2009
On Love
Thursday, 3 September 2009
On Respect
Realise that while each of us is different, we are altogether not that much different after all
Edify one another through each simple thought, word and deed
Strengthen one another in times of trial, even in the midst of one's own
Place one's emphasis on the other, rather than the self
Encourage one another to share the deepest of emotions through revealing one's own
Clarify one's thoughts through discussions of candour
Thank one another for the audience granted, the support rendered, and the time shared
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Prayer for Discernment
Monday, 10 August 2009
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
The Infinite Love
Friday, 31 July 2009
I Am The Seed
Monday, 20 July 2009
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Lest the Church neglect its mission, and the Gospel go unheard,
Help us witness to Your purpose with renewed integrity,
With the Spirit’s gifts empower us for the work of ministry.
Lord, You call us to Your service: “In My Name baptize and teach.”
That the world may trust Your promise, life abundant meant for each,
Give us all new fervor, draw us closer in community.
With the Spirit’s gifts empower us for the work of ministry.
Lord, You make the common holy: “This My body, this My blood.”
Let us all, for earth’s true glory, daily lift life heavenward,
Asking that the world around us share your children’s liberty
With the Spirit’s gifts empower us for the work of ministry.
Lord, You show us love’s true measure: “Father, what they do, forgive.”
Yet we hoard as private treasure all that You so freely give.
May Your care and mercy lead us to a just society.
With the Spirit’s gifts empower us for the work of ministry.
Lord, you bless with words assuring: “I am with you to the end.”
Faith and hope and love restoring, may we serve as you intend
And, amid the cares that claim us, hold in mind eternity.
With the Spirit’s gifts empower us for the work of ministry.
Friday, 3 July 2009
A Prayer for Grace
Thursday, 25 June 2009
On Civilisation
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
The 99 Club
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Principles of Physical Training
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Beyond the Flow
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Governance and Management
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Letter From A Scholar
Friday, 17 April 2009
33 Humourous Takes On Work
Friday, 10 April 2009
On Courage
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Life in Stops and Starts
Thursday, 19 March 2009
On Maturity
Sunday, 15 March 2009
The Truth of Being A Christian
When I say..... "I am a Christian"
I'm not shouting I'm clean livin"
I'm whispering "I was lost"
Now I'm found and I'm forgiven.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
and need CHRIST to be my guide.
When I say.... "I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak
and need HIS strength to carry on.
When I say.... "I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed
and need God to clean my mess.
When I say...."I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible
but, God believes I am worth it.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain,
I have my share of heartaches
So I call upon His name.
When I say...."I am a Christian"
I"m not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner
who received God's good grace, somehow.
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Championship Manager 2008 - Brighton 2009/10

Saturday, 28 February 2009
Hamsters On A Wheel
(this comment first appeared in the Singapore Angle in November 2008)
Since the independence of our island-nation, the establishment has sought to inundate its citizens with the value of being hamsters on a wheel -- that somehow there is a worthwhile payoff for being busy by going nowhere fast, and somehow the payoff seems to get larger the faster the hamster goes nowhere. And I suppose the hamster can experience the payoff as he earns another peanut, while conveniently ignoring that the wheel he runs on keeps the establishment warm at night (incidentally if anyone tries this at home, don't be surprised to have SPCA knocking on your door lol).
Which is perhaps why some hamsters choose to groom themselves better than the others, in the hope that they will be rewarded with more peanuts. Some may choose to run on the wheels longer than others for additional pet massage time, even if they cannot really understand why the establishment would value the powering up of one additional lantern (pet massages are of high perceived value to hamsters in case you are wondering). These are the hamsters who will leave when the establishment has no more food, or when another locale has better food (for the sake of argument, hamsters have freedom of movement).
And if hamsters somehow get the idea that they will still be fed without running on the wheel, they are sorely mistaken. Firstly, there will always be hamsters who are willing to run on the wheel, even if they are originally guinea pigs from another locale. Secondly, hamsters that don't perform on the wheel as they should will be replaced by new, hungry and, dare I say, more cost-effective ones. In this sense, hamsters who skive don't really bother the establishment; things will thus carry on regardless. Asking hamsters for their opinion is simply for (mutual?) entertainment.
Lady hamsters (please take this tongue-in-cheek as guy hamsters are not known for being exceptionally tactful) do not have much of a struggle compared to their male counterparts. The dissonance between peanuts and freedom tends not to apply as much to lady hamsters. For this group (in general), the game plan is to run as steadily as one can, raise a few baby hamsters, and gently lobby for as equal number of peanuts as guy hamsters when the opportunity arises. And if this means teaching newly-formed hamsters the (economic) value of being one, so be it -- they are not known to be particularly argumentative, except when having a discussion with their guy partners ;-)
Having covered the local situation, let's turn to hamsters abroad (hopefully I'm not stealing your thunder, Wayne!). Perhaps local hamsters view them with envy, that somehow there ought to be more peanuts 'over there', and wonder why they cannot have the same where they are. Perhaps overseas hamsters view local hamsters as weak and dependent, and may occasionally return to cause a minor mess to the establishment (through their droppings perhaps). Neither is desirable, because when a burglar enters to steal valuables (hamster food included perhaps?), the hamsters will scatter. Which self-respecting hamster would stay in a place where there are no peanuts?
I believe what the establishment needs are not so much hamsters (yes I know they keep one can warm at night -- don't try this, seriously, SPCA is watching!), but a Jack Russell Terrier (JRT). JRT's are intelligent, resourceful, observant, cute, quirky, and yes, some of them can be rather loud at times (JRTs call this 'an independent streak').
However, JRT's are fiercely loyal to the cause, not only because they do have ample dog food, but more importantly because through *interaction* with the establishment over the centuries, a mutual understanding of substantial meaning between the two has been reached. It is said that JRTs are among a select breed of dog that intimately understand facial, vocal and kinesthetic cues of humans, so much so that even before trouble strikes, the JRT alerts the owner. And rest assured that when burglars attempt entry without the establishment being around, JRTs rally to the cause, and battle tooth and nail to ensure its turf, even if they are next door exploring the next place to bury their favourite bone.
These are increasingly uncertain times. Eighteen months ago it seemed that there were plenty of peanuts to go around. Hamsters are sorely ineffectual during stormy seasons. If the establishment truly wants to safeguard this island's shores, get a JRT, and treat it like one i.e. no peanuts please!