The next morning, the servant opened the door and was thrilled to see the bag of coins. He counted the coins, there were 99 of them. Puzzled, the servant counted them again, and there were 99 coins just the same. Now the servant was sure that no one would leave a bag of 99 coins; he was certain that there was one coin missing, and began to search everywhere for it. Before long, this once-cheerful servant who was given the gift of 99 coins became frustrated and angry about the alleged missing coin, and showed up for work at the palace in the foulest mood everyone in the palace had seen since, well, since next to never!
Beware the insidious trap that is the 99 Club. The ways of this Club lead to people to find sorrow in every joy, suspicion in every intent, doubt in every faith, excuse in every cause, inaction in every choice, uncertainty in every step, malcontent in every event. Sometimes it may be better to consider the possibility that the blessings one receives, no matter how inadequate to human eyes, are in fact complete in themselves.
Rather than pursue imaginary gains, one may do well to celebrate the victories one already has on hand.
Rather than mourn past losses, one may do well to take stock of what one can learn from such experiences, in order to gain from future opportunities.
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