Tuesday 15 January 2008

Inspirations 007 -- Reflections

Here are some reflections I look back on time and again, to enable me to self-correct in the midst of life's hustle and bustle. These have been paraphrase from material that I've come across from various sources.
  • Designing my life is a given; the only issue is who the designer is
  • Flow occurs when I am in harmony with all things, aware of self, and aware of others.
  • Balance enables me to stretch further and further, and expands my potential.
  • In order for the Universe to support me, I must be open to that same support.
  • Positivity attracts, remember that!
  • Opportunities abound; Choose wisely.
  • Synergy is waiting for me to harness its power.
  • Commitment requires courage.
  • Speaking up reveals my commitment, confidence, courage and character.
  • There is a time to lead, and a time to follow. Experience will show me when is which.
  • The key to a good upswing is a proper downswing.
  • Take nothing for granted, Everyone Needs Love.